A Question~August 27~Are You A Cynic?

Are you cynic?

The origins of the word traverse back to long ago Greece. In the 3rd century BC, a group of Greek philosophers founded by Antisthenes, were known for their  ostentatious contempt for ease and pleasure. Today the word usually is used to refer to the person who avoids the silver lining in favor of the dark outline. Cynics display a mix of distrust with doubt. Sometimes cynics are funny…for a little while until others tired of their negativity posing as insightfulness.

Cynicism masquerades as wisdom, but it is the farthest thing from it. Because cynics don’t learn anything. Because cynicism is a self-imposed blindness, a rejection of the world because we are afraid it will hurt us or disappoint us.”
Stephen Colbert

Referencing George Carlin, Ann Voskamp wrote, “Itch the scab of any cynic and what you’ll find is a wounded idealist.”

Is there a part of you that reaches for the bromide of cynicism when confronted with the assault of your world?

You are not alone. It is all to common, and, at least from my vantage point, much easier to utter the negative, the unimpressed, the doubtful expression, than maintain the virtue of grace.

…”Peace be with you!” John 20:19

Oh, sure, it is easy to find quotes from Christ regarding peace and love. But on the timeline of His life, this one stands in significance, because Christ said this to his apostles, afterwards.

After they had grown discouraged. After they had walked away from Him. After their denial of Him.

After His death and resurrection.

…”Peace be with you!”

Christ might have justifiably chosen a cynic’s course, or, worse, a revengeful course…but because of grace, He granted peace instead.


God, I know that you want me to be like salt on the earth, like a candle in the dark, a lighthouse on a hill, so that others will come to you. Cleanse me anew that I will be a witness for you. Show me how you want to penetrate the darkness of my domain with your light. Help me to be a positive influence in the places where I live, work, study, play. Thank you, Lord. ~Os Hillman


dare to be strong


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