This Weekend ~ July 10~ Capture One Second

There are so many tiny, beautiful, funny, tragic moments in our life contains the granular moments of Galatians 5:22-23’s full spectrum — how can we remember them all? Director Cesar Kuriyama has an intriguing idea. Kuriyama shoots one second of video every day as part of an ongoing project to collect all the special bits of his life.

Might you and I try to do the same?



See additional weekend ideas

Monday Words for the Soul ~ July 6


Picture seen original on Ann Voskamp’s blog



See additional words for the Soul

Words for the Soul~June 22

There are things I take for granted that other people are praying for…

Is this true for you too?


“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” Proverbs 4:23

Offering a prayer of discernment that we all may distinguish problems from glitches and crisis from challenges.


Additional Words for the Soul

a word from The Sponsor~June 21

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He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.
~Isaiah 2:3


dad and little me


Thank you, Dad, for keeping on the path of a long obedience in the same direction.



See also this photo Slideshow at Cincopa


Additional words from The Sponsor

a word from The Sponsor ~ June 14

 . . . what happened to our ancestors in the wilderness long ago. God guided all of them by sending a cloud that moved along ahead of them, and he brought them all safely through the waters of the sea. ~1 Corinthians 10:1


Photo by BecauseOfGrace


Additional words from The Sponsor

Fly Your Flag of Grace

From the Library of Congress Collection


Yesterday, June 14th, was Flag Day.

Even though Flag Day is not a federal holiday,

it is a memorial day to remember the adoption of the U.S. Flag in 1777.










Make today your Flag Day.

Today, take a few minutes to fly your flag of Grace.

Conceive it. Create it. Color it.

It’s summer…there’s time.

No crayons at your house? (then it really IS time!)

Leave masterpieces for the museum. This is your flag of Grace!



Rejoice in Grace and wave your flag of Grace. Think about all the blessings done for you through Grace.  You don’t have to make an actual flag of Grace (although it is fun to do!)

You can contemplatively fly your Grace flag. Think about where you once were compared to where you are now. What are the victories you have enjoyed? Think about whose misaligned holds you were delivered from through Grace. Thing about how Grace saved you and all the calamities you have avoided because of Christ’s sacrifice.


 “At that very time He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit, and said, “I praise You, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight.” ~Luke 10:21


This Weekend~June 12~ Finding your Grace

Praying that you find your Grace and that Grace Finds You!

Your Grace Finds Me… by Matt Redman




Other Weekend Wishes


Midweek Question~ June 10

In what ways has God been generous with you?

generous grace

Rick Warren writes, “Choose generosity. It will transform your relationships with other people and your relationship with God. It will change you from the inside out as you learn to be generous like God is generous with you.”


Additional questions

words for the soul~June 8

While wandering through flea markets this passed weekend, I found a large stack of old magazines.

Within the pages of one of the magazines, I found this ad about trails and I snapped it with my phone.


This week and this summer, I hope you and I find our trails (or continue on the trail of best service).

I encourage you to keep moving. “The path of least resistance  — is the path of least reward.” Do not allow circumstances to dictate what you do or say. Let Grace always get the final word.


More words for the soul

a word from The Sponsor ~ June 7

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. ~Psalms 5:3


Horizon Photo by Anne McCrary

Photo by talented friend Anne McCrary


more words from The Sponsor


This Weekend ~ June 5 ~Fly with Drones

Spend 5 minutes flying virtually with a drone over playful dolphins and soulful whales

Blue Whales and Drones



Video Link


More Weekend Activities

Question of the Week: June 3

Does fear feel safer than trusting God?

DoesFearFeelSafer Than Trusting God


The weird thing about being afraid for a long time is that you get comfortable with it.

And before long you start to believe fear itself keeps you safe and keeps bad things from happening. I felt like fear protected me. As long as I stayed vigilant, cautious, and wary, nothing bad would happen.

Instead of depending on God for protection, I held tight to something destructive.

The problem is, we let the bigness of grief and pain overwhelm the obvious: God loves.~Susie Davis, author of the book Unafraid




Photo by Anne McCrary, concept design by HTeague, inspired by this post from A Holy Experience

Additional Questions

The most beautiful people

the most beautiful people



photo by Helen Teague

Monday Words for the Soul~ June 1

do you ever feel more tired after a weekend than the week before it?

a life-line for me today…


this post helps to remember to keep focused on the focus


More Words for the Soul

a word from The Sponsor~May 31

Finally, all of you, be like-minded and show sympathy, love, compassion, and humility to and for each other
~1 Peter 3:8

1 Peter 3:3

Picture from this insightful post from Rick Warren


More words from The Sponsor

Happy Mother’s Day 2015

Monday Words for the Soul~May 11


Full poem available in Love & Profit: The Art of Caring Leadership by James A. Autry


More Words for the Soul

See I think he is a hero

After the March 31st, Air Canada plane crashed on a bitterly cold night, Steve Earle picks up an 80-year-old and runs with her.



Because of Grace, he was there and acted on his presence there.


More Words for the Soul

a word from The Sponsor~April 5

By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the one who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. ~2 Peter 1:13


2 Peter 1:3


Picture Source


More words from The Sponsor

Monday Words for the Soul~March 30~When the Solution is Simple…

When the Solution is Simple, God Is Answering…


When the Solution is Simple



More Words for the Soul