Mid-Week Question to Consider~Let Others Know!

Could you imagine what our world would be like if we all took the time to let others know how truly amazing they are?
What would our lives be like if we found the beauty in every person we met… and told them?
How would we feel if we let down our guards and allowed others to see who we really are?
Alia @ Inner Bliss Blog

truly amazing you are

Other Questions to Consider

Picture without questions originally seen here

7 Responses

  1. Love the questions and the artwork! It’s how I try to live my life.

  2. We always seem to be on the same page each week! I was just thinking about this the other day – and this quote is so perfect! “Could you imagine what our world would be like if we all took the time to let others know how truly amazing they are!”

    I have been noticing lately that I feel less patient regarding people who seem to have this uncanny ability to see “what’s wrong” rather than “What’s AWESOME”. . . and yes, I realize too that if life is a mirror; then there must be something within in ME that requires the gift or lesson of this experience.

    Perhaps the gift is that when I feel someone is judging what they believe to be “wrong” in me…that I can love myself enough and know the truth of who I AM with such confidence that I can mirror back to this person – Love, Strength, Confidence, Peace and Grace! :-)

    And so it begins… as we let the world know how truly amazing we all are…One person at a time!

    • Jacqui: your words are a comfort again to me. it is as if we are having coffee together and sharing our week. the last two weeks i have been healing from a two hour phone call where i was the punching bag for another’s criticism. the phone call was two hours; the healing continues still two weeks’ later. i have learned about deflection (a new term for me) and how others will deflect to avoid looking into their own mirrors of their soul. so, where you write of feeling less patient with those “who have the uncanny ability to ‘what’s wrong'”, i find that i am less willing to be their punching bag. The challenge for me has been to enact the Truth of 1Cor.13 and not “keep a record of wrong”. Going back to gratitude and blessing is the gift.
      And the gift I receive from you is your comment here. and your gentle admonition to not take their punching bag gloves off of them and use them on me but to, you as write, “love myself enoughand know the truth of who I AM with confidence.”
      thank you for the reminder, Jacqui! Nice having (virtual) coffee with you!

  3. What a blessing to come here this morning and read the beautiful words by Carol, Jacqui, and you, Helen. It is so comforting to know that we are all on this journey together, supporting and encouraging one another. I am so grateful.


  4. […] 2. You’re amazing via Helen […]

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