Misspelling Epiphany

I really need a proofreader. Just typed some copy for a client and inserted an “o” where an “a” shoulda been.

The copy should have read: “The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it. The fear of the dark is what casts the joy into shadows.”

Instead it reads, “The dOrk does not destroy the light; it defines it. The fear of the dOrk is what casts the joy into shadows.”

My friend, Ron, says this is how many great quotes begin.
What was that old joke about spellcheck? It certainly applies here.
Hope your weekend begins without misspellings or misunderstandings.  :)

It is grace to receive…

Please give yourself a mini-break and visit Chris’ website
and sign up for her Daily emails which contain short visuals
to remind you of the presence of God. Gently click here

Day 4~~Create Your Symbol of Strength

The Be Gentle Be Love  Class is on Day 15. I am dilly-dallying on Day 4: Strength. At the beginning of the course, Amanda, our teacher said we could take our time. And, I took that as sacred.
So I am. And I like taking my time.  :)
Thinking about Strength and its attributes. Amanda encouraged us to “focus on your strength symbol. Is it an animal, a plant, a shape, an inanimate object? If you don’t have one, maybe you should make today the day you begin your search for one. Look within yourself, try to find a symbol that you can draw strength from in an instant, something that makes you feel like you can do anything.”
Perhaps in a rare collision of gender and navigation, I thought for several days and chose my map of Idaho as my symbol of courage. This map hangs on my gratitude wall.
Idaho map
At the time, in my business I traveled extensively for clients and events. I logged 1 million miles just in flying, just in one year. I had visited clients in almost every state but 5. Idaho was one of those states. And from the internet and travel channel and visits with the client, it was ruggedly beautiful and serene.
I am directionally challenged. For the directionally challenged like me, the only way, the absolute only way navigation is possible is with a team of navigational helpers. Sometimes the helpers are friends, clients, a mate, mapquest, onstar, and fervent prayer. :)
But in a series of unfortunate and abandoning events, I took this trip to Idaho alone.
To Idaho.
In the mountains.
And I hail from California. Behind the Orange Curtain.
It was a stretch of strength, a leap of faith, a whole yoga host of poses toward growth and reliance. And toward contractual obligation, truth be told. So, in Idaho, not long ago,  this map never left my lap. I was in Idaho, but it felt like Timbuktu.  
This map reminds me that I am never alone. It reminds me that strength for me is found by taking a deep breath, taking the right road and staying on course, asking for help from trusted guides, and having faith in THE best guide. The guide of grace.
Back to Amanda and our course. She suggested we “Create your symbol of strength & then put it in a place where you can see it, or carry with you, so you can draw from it when necessary. “
When I read this part, it was obvious that carrying this map around would be cumbersome in its unfurled state and no one in Western civilization can fold a map correctly back in place. Certainly, my life could not be folded currently back in the place I had envisioned. New things needed to be created.
Instead, I created a business-card sized mini-map to carry with me. On the front, it has the word, strength on it. On the back, “I will never leave you or forsake you” from Deuteronomy 31:6
There is plenty of room in my wallet right for my card of strength. And I won’t leave home without it.

Embrace Today’s Blessings!

Epicurus Quote

Relentless Rendering

Misty Edwards, You won’t relent until you have it all…

Focus Word: Embrace


Because of grace there are enveloping embraces  to
catch and remember. Remember when you give the
feeling of being sublimely protected and shrouded. 
Snuggled and held close.

This time, please also recall the feelings and thoughts
you enjoy when you receive an embrace, when you
are embraced~~by a friend, a spouse, a thought,
a memory, an act of kindness.

Take yourself back to an embrace you received.
Savor that feeling and memory. Return to that…
Focus and breathe with it~~~

“a time to embrace…” Ecclesiastes 3:5

A Word From My Sponsor

John 14 27

Photo by Ann Voskamp @ A Holy Experience

Saturday Digest-April 2-Because of Grace

Read it and Cheer~Wanting to influence others, to be heard, to make an impact is not being controlling. “Letting go” isn’t leaving your own side and settling for something that makes you feel bad.
Tara Sophia Mohr, to read the complete post, please gently click here

stensilFavorite Fun Way to Say Hello to Spring: Stensil with Sharpie

Fun Friday: I was the recipient of the Inner Bliss blog’s Shine Your Light Giveaway! Thank you Alia!

24/7: God promised that before I can call for Him, He will answer–To read this devotional from Jody Neufeld, please gently click here  

“Color plays such an important role in nutrition.” Tattfoo Tan, a Malaysian-born artist. Read about the innovative art exhibit emphasizing good nutrition, please artistically click here

The Gift of Resilience–Nana korobi ya oki” Fall down seven times, get up eight: The power of Japanese resilience

Passionate people let the weird out and the weird becomes a magnet for other passionate people.  To smile big while reading the rest of this whimsical post, gently click here 
                                                                                                             chocolate chip oreos
Please get your cookie sheet and gently click here 
It’s Just Time-Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Day 3 Independence Freak Flag

Still learning and loving my e-class called “Be Gentle Be Love” we were prompted to create a flag to illustrate our independence. Amanda called this our “Freak Flag”. I have many chances to see flags when I walk each day at a local college where around the perimeter flags fly representing the state or country of the students enrolled. In a freaky nod to a “one world” philosophy, “Nepal” is next to “Nevada” and “Kansas” flies next to “Korea”. The assortment keeps me on my toes to notice that each flag’s unique, special, or historic to the territory.
My Freak Flag

My Freak Flag

Here is my Freak Flag. It is “flying” in my kitchen, the place where I spend a ton of time.My flag has a napkin with pink stripes  because it is happy and lots of flags have stripes. Using party napkins relates to my idea that many things are more productive with food and fun around.  The primary symbol is a huge tree. I love the comfort and strength of trees and there is a sugar maple in my backyard. The branches of the tree extend outward and contain nine Bible verses that helped me grow and sustain me. Amanda wrote about helping patients to gain their independence. “We wanted them to value their independence & not fall into the venomous mindset that they were a victim of circumstance,” she recalled and these verses have done this for me too.

The closest verses represent those I learned in childhood, extending outward to the edges, where I am today and the verses I use as mantras and serenity triggers. At the trunk of the tree are Irish clovers for my heritage and tennis balls, my favorite sport to play. There is a spot for my motto and many flags have mottos emblazoned on them. But this is still blank on my flag because I am still in transition.

Lots of possibilities for a motto for my flag. Any suggestions?