Tough Times Tuition

The tough times are tuition we pay for what we need to know to succeed.

Today I am typing this while sitting at an airport club. I am waiting for my flight and, for the past hour, two men have been sitting in the cubicle next to me. They have been talking about an interview they had with a woman. They have papers containing their questions to her and her answers. From my glances, it seems that the applicant’s responses have been neatly typed and tabulated. They are reviewing their interview and rating the applicant’s answers. I know the applicant is a woman because of their use of the female pronoun.

And… I am pretty sure the woman is not going to get the job. Her answers, one of the men says, “reflect a relatively shallow pool.” There are too many “1’s” and not enough “4s” assigned to the tabulation.  The whole experience is causing my tension to rise. I am going to move to a calmer locale.

But, if she were here, nervously waiting for their decision…I would  want her to know she was brilliantly courageous to go so far in the application process to be the subject of such scrutiny. And I want her to know that “The tough times are tuition we pay for what we need to know to succeed.” And, that there are Blessings contained in every question with a “no” answer. 

I would show her this sentiment posted elsewhere by Jean W.

Your Value

Because “she” could be me. “She” has been me. “She” might be you, or a past memory of you.

And Because of Grace, there are amazing promises that will outlast the temporal interviews and points-of-view that occupy our days.

Success beyond numbers, data, and ratings.

Mid-week question: the value of value

Does the value of value fluctuate?

and here is the best answer I’ve found: