a word from The Sponsor ~ August 23

God will give you the right words at the right time.Matthew 10:19 NLT


because I will give you the ability to speak, along with wisdom, that none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute. ~Luke 21:15


As I continue to abide in the space between the ideal and the actual, I continue to press for a change in a tender matter. Over the next few Sundays, I will share my constant companions–the verses and lessons learned from faithful survivors and prayer warrior friends. My faith-filled friend, Pam, shared with me this website of encouragement, I hope it helps you as much as it helped me. It is called Hope for the Broken Hearted and there is also a Facebook page.

This excerpt below is from J.M. Farro, who I do not know, but from whom I have learned so much.

“As you minister to others and have an impact on their lives, Satan and his evil cohorts are going to try to discourage you. Make up your mind now that when he puts people in your path who criticize you and find fault with your message that you are going to go straight to God with your doubts, fears, and insecurities. Ask, ‘Lord, is this from You, or from another source? Help me to respond exactly the way You want me to.’ Be open to correction–but not to condemnation. If after heartfelt communication with God, you discern that the criticism is not from Him, shake it off and move on. Remember that you’ve got a job to do. The last time I went to the Lord after receiving some criticism, He asked me several questions: ‘Did you pray and ask for My help beforehand? Was your heart right when you delivered the message? Was your goal to help others, to draw them to Me, and to glorify Me?’ As I answered yes to all of them, He told me–‘Then enter My rest and leave the consequences to Me.'”  ~J.M. Farro


Additional words from The Sponsor